Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Here I am on my 'vacation' . . . No, the kid's vacation from school. We need to re-label that time of the season for moms, because as we all know, it is NOT a vacation. Funny, I was just wondering to myself what the actual definition of a vaction would be, so I did and sure enough, I was RIGHT! "No Dictionary Results" Huh. Must be mothers who are in charge of!

In all seriousness, I haven't gotten to blog about my real vacation in the islands because since I've been home, I've pretty much been dealing with my kids' vacation. Obviously, I can't even post a picture because I havent figured out how to get those on my computer!!! But I will. And let me just say that waking up when I wanted to wake up, eating when I wanted to eat, sitting for as long as I wanted to sit, finishing a full conversation whenever I wanted to, THAT was a vacation. Didn't even have to be in the islands, although that surely did help!!!

So New Year's is the next obvious holiday, two days . . . which Dec. 31 is also our Wedding Anniversary . . . 14 YEARS!!!! Shinia Twain's song 'Looks Like We Made It' surely is appropriate for us . . .

Anyway, I was talking with a young female client the other day, who happens to be single. If you are reading this and either under 30, single, or not a mother, feel free to skip this part, you might not relate. So this gal was sad and worried because she didn't have anything to do for the first time on New Year's Eve, or more importantly, anyone to be with. This was my first moment of jealousy. So I talked with her about how she might make the night special for herself . . . and she planned to do yoga (second moment of jealousy), make a new recipe just for herself (third moment of jealousy) and then get some art supplies and do a vision board (through the roof jealousy). Now she was kind of feeling like a loser for having 'this' plan for New Year's. I confessed to her my jealousy, because at this point of the conversation, this self-disclosure seemed appropriate. I told her I'd think about her New Year's Eve when I was surrounded by MANY children of all ages while we played games during my Mother-N-Law's family game night.

Don't get me wrong: I like games, and I like kids. I even really do like my Mother-N-Law! But the combination of all this, including kids up way past their bedtime, fueled up with Sugar, Salt, and Fat . . . Oh Boy. If a magic fairy offered to let me trade places with my client, I would be awfully tempted . . . Luckily I won't have that option.

As I shared my New Year's Eve plans with her, I saw her face change. Her feelings about her own New Year's plans were shifted into a new light. The grass is always greener . . . I think I'll work on appreciating all my family fun chaos!

I hope that all my readers (all 6 of you - I learned of another one!) have a blessed and safe and happy New Year's Eve and a happy New Year with many new beginnings!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Learned Something

Well, after my dream vacation, which I'll write more about later if I ever get the chance, my kids continue to pay me back for leaving.

Particularily Jacob . . . the 4-yr-old ever-changing-weather-pattern. Day one of my re-entry, he decided that paybacks were necessary. So as soon as the snuggles were over, which was about 2 minutes, the oppositional behavior began. To just get to the point of my story, because once again, at present moment, he is lying beside my chair crying b/c he can't make a ramp for the ice-skate christmas ornament b/c it fell on Julia's head . . . Anyway, He was crying and screaming so hard the other day, about nothing, that I finally decided if I wanted to stay sane, I had to get hime out of the house. So I did. I locked the doors before he could come in from the car. He stood in the garage, kicking the door as hard as he could. Then he went to the front door, and pounded the doorbell repeatedly, a joyful noise to my ears. I had decided much earlier that we would likely either be visiting the hospital or protective services that day, because he was probably going to hurt himself and I wasn't in the position to stop him. Either that, or I'd be in the car shop b/c he would have dented the car with his kicking. I was prepared for either/both.

Luckily, and here is my point, popping him outside in the freezing weather when he is throwing a fit seems to work. I actually just threatend it, and he cried "But I'll be alone and cold!" "Then quit crying," I said. He did. It's a Christmas Miracle.

If any of you know people that have strong willed little boys, please forward them my blog. We need need a support group!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I'm The Maid

After picking up all my family members clothing from the bathroom floor and dumping it in the hamper, I stated loudly, "I'm not the maid, you know!"

Julia (7) sweetly said, "Mom, I know you're not the maid, but you'd be really good at it if you were."

Maybe there's a future for me here!